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Anne of the Island

Anne of the Island

SKU 9786555521863
R$ 29,90
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New adventures lie ahead as Anne Shirley packs her bags, waves good-bye to childhood, and heads for Redmond College. With her old friend Prissy Grant waiting in the bustling city of Kingsport and her frivolous new friend Philippa Gordon at her side, Anne tucks her memories of rural Avonlea away and discovers life on her own terms, filled with surprises... including a marriage proposal from the worst fellow imaginable, the sale of her very first story, and a tragedy that teaches her a painful lesson. But tears turn to laughter when Anne and her friends move into an old cottage and an ornery black cat steals her heart. Little does Anne know that handsome Gilbert Blythe wants to win her heart, too. Suddenly Anne must decide whether shes ready for love.

Editora: Principis
Edição: 1, 2020
Autor: Lucy Maud Montgomery
Idioma: Inglês
Páginas: 272
Dimensões: L 15.50 x A 22.60 x E 1.50
ISBN: 9786555521863
Coleção: Universo Anne
Linha Editorial: Principis - Clássicos da literatura
Faixa Etária: + 9 anos
Assuntos (tags): Romance, Amizade, Imaginação, Canadá
BISAC: Literatura Juvenil / Clássicos
Linha de Produto: Principis
Encadernação: Brochura
Acabamento: Laminação brilho
Material: Papel

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