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Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables

SKU 9786555521849
R$ 34,90
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R$ 34,90

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As soon as Anne Shirley arrives at the snug white farmhouse called Green Gables, she is sure she wants to stay forever... but will the Cuthberts send her back to the orphanage? Anne knows shes not what they expected a skinny girl with fiery red hair and a temper to match. If only she can convince them to let her stay, shell try very hard not to keep rushing headlong into scrapes and blurting out the first thing that comes to her mind. Anne is not like anyone else, the Cuthberts agree she is special a girl with an enormous imagination. This orphan girl dreams of the day when she can call herself Anne of Green Gables.

Editora: Principis
Edição: 1, 2020
Autor: Lucy Maud Montgomery
Idioma: Inglês
Páginas: 336
Dimensões: L 15.50 x A 22.60 x E 2.00
ISBN: 9786555521849
Coleção: Universo Anne
Linha Editorial: Principis - Clássicos da literatura
Faixa Etária: + 9 anos
Assuntos (tags): Romance, Órfão, Família, Imaginação, Amizade, Canadá, Séries, Filmes
BISAC: Literatura Juvenil / Clássicos
Linha de Produto: Principis
Encadernação: Brochura
Acabamento: Laminação brilho
Material: Papel

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